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Jun 5, 2008

Coming Soon!

Hi All - just wanted to let you all know that I will be moving to a new place soon. I have my own domain www.thebobofiles.com - many of you probably have been accessing this site using that domain. However, it is currently on a "redirect."

Holly has graciously agreed to host my new site and it will be a wordpress design and layout. I will be updating my DNS to use my domain only and it will not be tied to this blogspot.com domain. Once we have the new place up and running...I will be placing a "Redirect" page up here to let everyone know to use the domain exclusively and to change your bookmarks (for those of you that have actually bookmarked the page).

For those of you who receive this either as an e-mail subscription or as a feed item - since everything is actually through Feedburner right now...I'm not sure how that will affect you guys. You may or may not have to resubscribe - but - we'll see. In the meantime, I will keep you guys up to date as we progress. I'm getting really excited about my new place already! The only downside to this is losing all the rankings I've achieved so far under this URL. I'll just have to rebuild I guess to include backtracking to all the blogs that have linked to me and asking them to change the url address. Oh what a headache this could turn out to be - but - all in the name of trying to be a legitimate blogger - even though I am a clown! LOL

Wish me luck!

My Zimbio
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