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May 20, 2008

Liberal Blogger Friday goes Feminist!!!

Well..not like I'm going all frilly and pink and that kind of stuff! Actually, our guest blogger this Friday is Holly from Menstrual Poetry. If you haven't been over to her sight yet, you're in for something different! She has some very liberal and very feminist views about our world and our country. I've seen some things on her sight that I just absolutely had to agree with, and others that just went against my conservative grain!

I've been in regular e-mail contact with Holly because I have commissioned her to help redesign my blog here. She's a very talented young lady and has a great head on her shoulders. She knows what she wants and how to get it. She hosts several blogs and does a lot of blog designs for others. I've seen her work and it is good.

I'm keeping the evil conservative clown theme - she's also helping me by designing a logo. We'll see how all that goes. Just as long as she doesn't hide something pink or feminist somewhere in there! LOL. Anyway, please be sure to come by on Friday to see what she has to offer us. If it's anything like what she puts up on her sight, I'm sure it will be great.
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